
Edith Neville

Primary School

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Family Centre

The Family Centre runs daily sessions each morning and some afternoons for families at the school and in the locality with children from birth to five.


We have a  Family Liaison Worker that runs activities and programmes to encourage families to come together and have fun playing and learning with their child. The timetable shows the daily sessions which include Family Swimming, Parenting classes and Stay and Play. The timetable is changed termly and we also take families to local facilities and run sessions there. 


The Family Centre is a welcoming place that is set up with high quality resources and activities for all stages of development from birth to five.

The Family Centre is currently funded by Camden Giving and the National Lottery. The Family Centre works in partnership with South Camden Community Trust, Working Mens College, Story Garden and St Pancras Leisure Centre (GLL) and the Health and Wellbeing team at Camden Council to deliver a range of activities and programmes for families. 


We would like to thank our partners for their generous donations that enable us to continue and extend our provision. 
