
Edith Neville

Primary School

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At Edith Neville Primary School we support and value the abilities of all our pupils. We see them as individuals and aim to provide equal opportunities for every child in our care, within a safe and supportive learning environment. Children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) may require different or additional provision to be made so that they can reach their full potential.


Your child’s classteacher is the first point of contact for parents. If you have further questions, please ask our school office to arrange an appointment for you. They will be able to direct you to the relevant member of staff who can deal with your query. This may be any of the following staff members or governors:


  • Ruby Nasser, Headteacher and Inclusion Lead
  • Ellen Bazley, SENDCo 
  • Laura Haywood, Governor responsible for SEND 


The SENDCo can be contacted through the school office: 0207 387 7158.


Our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report provide more information on how we support children with SEND.


