
Edith Neville

Primary School

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PSHCE stands for personal, social, health and citizenship education. This is taught once a week in Years 1 to 6 and throughout the EYFS curriculum. 


At Edith Neville, we follow the Camden Agreed Scheme for PSHCE. Overviews of the learning objectives taught in each year group (Years 1 to 6) are shared below. 

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education at Edith Neville

Our curriculum provides structured opportunities for the children to develop and practice personal, social and life skills. They explore a variety of issues, including rights and responsibilities, physical and emotional health and wellbeing, drug education (including alcohol and tobacco), sex and relationship education (SRE), citizenship, anti-bullying, safety and the environment.

During Anti-Bullying week we enjoy assemblies and workshops which help us to understand how important it is to include everyone and to speak out when we see something that is wrong. Our 'Roots of Empathy' work with older children develops empathy in our young learners and develops responsible, mature children who understand the positive impact they can have on our world.  


Financial literacy is essential to a good education for us here at Edith Neville. Every year we hold a Money Week. Children design a product or service that they wish to sell, calculating costs and organising tasks. They then spend a full day 'working' in different classrooms. The more 'work' they do the more money they earn. Finally, they can spend their money on all the wonderful products or services they have designed and the more money they have, the more they can spend!

Parent briefing and Consultation on PSHCE Curriculum (including changes to Health and Relationships Education)


Thank you to all the families who have been engaging with us as we share information about the changes to the relationships and health education curriculum. I have attached a briefing sheet which highlights the main changes and the outcomes expected by the end of primary school. 
