
Edith Neville

Primary School

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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

School governors act as ‘critical friends’ to the school. This means they work with the staff, parents/carers and the local authority to support the school. They make sure the school is doing all it can to help pupils. In addition to their meetings, they visit classes and attend events at school. They monitor the work of the school and work with the leadership team to decide what needs to be done next. They are unpaid volunteers and at Edith Neville we are lucky to have a very committed governing body with a wide range of skills and experience.


At Edith Neville the governors meet once a term for a full governors’ meeting and committee meetings are held once or twice a term. The Chair of Governors meets more frequently with the Headteacher to discuss matters as they arise. Much of the governors’ work is done at committee level and at Edith Neville we have two main committees. The Resources Committee deals with finance, staffing, maintenance and improvement of the school building, including our new build. The Curriculum, Community and Inclusion Committee looks at teaching and learning, standards and the curriculum.


Chair of Governors: Deborah Isaacs

Chair of Resources Committee: Jack Hardiman 

Chair of Curriculum, Community and Inclusion Committee: Muhammed Amin
